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Allow Myself to Introduce... Myself.


Oh, hi! My name's Kathleen Kelly, and I'm the writer and director behind the short film, Ten Years. 


The idea behind Ten Years started out as a suggestion by a great friend the term before I went into pre-production. "Hey, you should do a musical", every time I saw her. As far as I knew, one hadn't been done before, so I wasn't entirely sure if it was allowed, as weird as that sounds. 


I remember meeting with my department head and saying, "And my senior film is going to be a musical..." and paused as I waited to be rebuffed, but it was all very anti-climatic because I got the green light.


The story behind the script was very loosely based off of Peter Pan and a friend's personal experience. I knew I wanted to focus on a very personal and human moment for my piece.  What happened before and what happened after wasn't important to me. I wanted everyone to come together and connect in this very vulnerable and weird experience that relationships are. Making it a musical allowed me the chance to deepen that connection.


Music always has a way of opening people up more and pouring their hearts out to the people they need to.  I know writing music is one of my creative and personal outlets. And because the means I chose to tell this story was unprecedented, I was allowed to disregard any obligations towards fulfilling any musical archtypes.  I could write the story and write the music exactly how I wanted, and that was a very freeing process.


I'm so proud of this piece, and so thankful for everyone who contributed their time, support, and money. We're in the post-production process right now, so I hope you all stick around and enjoy going through it with us.  :)

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